WELCOME TO the home page of the INTERNATIONAL kenpo karate society!

The Wu Shu (martial aspects) of Wu Shen Pai  Kenpo can be further explained in four distinct - though interconnecting - major paths of study. 


Nei Kung
Deals with developing, controlling, and directing one's Ki, or internal energy force, through breathing and meditation exercises in conjunction with specific physical techniques.

Wai Kung
Wai Kung includes the offensive and defensive empty hand combative applications. Combining elements predominantly tense and linear in nature with those soft and circular, these techniques mesh to form a natural fighting system. This phase includes full instruction in all hand strikes and blocks (trapping and grabbing as well as deflection applications, using the hands, wrist, forearm, elbows, arms and shoulders), 365 individual kicks, throws and falls from any position and onto any surfaces, human anatomical structure as it pertains to combat applications (knowing and utilizing the body's weak points to effectively control the opponent, regardless of their size), joint manipulation and breaking, finger pressure-point application, prisoner arrest, control and transport, grappling applications, forms, offensive choking and flesh-tearing techniques, defense against multiple opponents, breaking techniques, counter-attacks, and killing techniques.

Wu Xie Kung
Involves the offensive and defensive use of the over 108 traditional weapons found within 20 categories of weaponry. By learning these various weapon systems, the practitioner can most effectively utilize any available object as a weapon as the situation demands.

Shen Kung
Is the study, development, and control of the human mind in order to attain one's full potential and mental capabilities. Techniques are taught to achieve an increase in one's total awareness, focus, and concentration levels. Included are instruction in :controlling one's mind; development of the "sixth sense"; memory recall; the study of human character and personalities; practical psychology; visualization; the art of concealment and stealth as utilized by special agents; as well as advanced, secretive applications. Wu Shen Pai Kenpo teaches both the martial art (Wu-Shu) and healing art (In-Shu). If one is able to injure or worse, then he/she should know how to heal as well, once again maintaining harmony through the balance of opposites. First aid applications, revival techniques are taught in conjunction with the traditional full studies of acupuncture, Royal Family acupressure, herbal and natural medicines, and bone setting.


A typical training session includes Focus and Concentration (beginning and end of class). Total body stretching and warm-up exercises. Basic punching and kicking practice. Ki power exercises. Combination drills which vary by belt rank. Two-man countering techniques  which vary by belt rank. Open session which may include: sparring, tumbling, grappling, sweeps, or advanced techniques. Self-defense techniques. Cool down exercises. Wu Shen Pai Kenpo code of ethics.

 Wu Shen Pai Kenpo  is certainly one of the most comprehensive systems of self-defense and combative techniques in the world. This system has been developed in accordance with the ancient principles of Yin-Yang, which emphasize balance in life and harmony with others and nature.

•Hard/Linear Movements

•Soft/Circular Movements

•Foot & Hand Techniques

•Joint Manipulation/ Joint Locks

•Takedowns, Throws & Sweeps

•Ground Fighting

•Traditional & Modern Weaponry

•Internal Energy Development

•Meditation & Breathing Techniques

•Healing Arts

•Philosophy & Ethics (Wen Wu)

What attracts many Westerners to the Eastern Martial Arts in the first place are the traditional values of respect, honor, integrity, and loyalty.  It is the presence of ceremony and etiquette which displayed humility and maturity.  It is the Eastern philosophies of harmony with nature, strong disciplined character, honoring elders and seniors with respect, inner peace, and the balance of juxtaposing forces of nature which permeates into every aspect of the physical and intangible (Yin/Yang).  The traditional  Kenpo emphasis on concepts and principles of motion, physics, and biomechanics remains. However, Wu Shen Pai Kenpo  has retained the character building aspects of traditional martial arts training.   We feel that you will find this both practical and fulfilling. 

   Our Wu Shen Pai system allows for our members to refer to a standardized base of teaching while allowing personal preference and variable expansion to be explored. It is our intention to provide a solid base to teach and learn from, and to act as a Kenpo organization for the direct students of Professor Robert L. Jones.  It is also the purpose of the organization to provide a home for those who wish to embrace the comprehensive martial system of Wu Shen Pai Kenpo Karate.  As such, it will serve as the rank registration and certifying body for all affiliated students and instructors.  

           Within the I.K.K.S. structure, members will have the opportunity to learn and study a diverse range of skills related to our training in Kenpo.  These skills include Kenpo ground fighting, Pressure Points and Cavity Presses, and Contact Manipulation / Control Maintenance.  We welcome any who embrace our vision of the art and wish to pursue it.  We strictly eschew the negativity which has denigrated our art over the last 15 years.  The art of Kenpo Karate is wide spread and diversified. Realizing the enormity of information and the rich history of our art, we welcome the many qualified people who were exposed to these teachings.

            Furthermore, through a direct association with the I.K.K.S. a broad range of marketing and promotional opportunities are provided to our qualified members.  The I.K.K.S. intends to build a solid structure of responsible leadership, administrators, and qualified instructors. The International Kenpo Karate Society is about providing a structure that accommodates today's needs with tomorrow's solutions. Requirements for testing and advancement are clear, concise and strictly adhered to. The quality of your advancement in the art is not in the Diploma, but in what it represents. Further, as the International Kenpo Karate Society continues to grow, our list of representatives and directors will be expanding.  There are opportunities for qualified individuals to become state, regional, and national directors of a new and exciting organization.

            It is time, we feel, to consider the direction of Kenpo and the martial arts in general.  We should consider what we wish our community and our world to become.  We stand at a crossroads with respect to our art.  If you share our vision of the art, and wish to join us, we welcome you.  We welcome your participation in helping us to build the organization of tomorrow, today.   


                          The Officers of the organization are as follows:      

                     Sigung Robert L. Jones, Ph.D.

                     8th Degree Black Belt, President and Founder

                     Contact Professor Jones via e-mail:

                     Sifu Kristine A. Jones, M.Ed.

                     5th Degree Black Belt, Executive Vice-President

                     Contact Sifu Jones via e-mail:

                     Sifu Robert R. Burke,  B.S.

                     5th Degree Black Belt, Vice President

                     Contact Sifu Burke via e-mail:


                    Members of the International Kenpo Karate Society Executive Board:

 Grandmaster Art Gonzalez, 10th Degree Black Belt, International Decuerdas Escrima Association.

 O'Sensei Philip Porter, 10th Degree Black Belt, United States Martial Arts Association, Judo. 

 Grandmaster Rick Alemany, 10th Degree Black Belt, Kenpo Karate.

 Grandmaster Ron Carlson, 10th Degree Black Belt, Gow Ren Liu Kempo.

 Professor John Masculine, 10th Degree Black Belt, Kenpo Go Shin Jitsu System.

 Lao Shr Wayne Welch, Ying Lung Shing Gung Fu.

 Do Joo Nim  Douglas Vess, 9th Degree Black Belt, Jung Shin Do, World Jung Shin Do Association.

Grandmaster Max Togisala, 9th Degree Black Belt, Halbuna Method, Kajukembo System.

Grandmaster Brad Namahoe, 7th Degree Black Belt,  Sonny Gascon’s Go Shin Jitsu.

Grandmaster Jerry Kunzman, 9th Degree Black Belt, Aiki-Jiu-Jitsu.

Grandmaster Don Phillip, 9th Degree Black Belt, Kanda Ha Kamishin-Ryu Aiki JuJitsu.

 Sensei David Meyer,  3rd Degree Black Belt  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu America.

 Sensei John Will, 3rd Degree Black Belt  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu America.



ATTITUDE                                                              TRUST                                            MUTUAL RESPECT


                                                            OUR VISION

TEAMWORK                                                     DEDICATION                                               INTEGRITY










   C indicates that “Wu Shen Pai”, “Wu Shen Pai Kenpo”, “Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa”, or “martial spirit family” are registered trademarks as of 2004.  All rights reserved.  Written permission is required for any use of the term or any of its derivatives.          


















    The primary purpose of the International Kenpo Karate Society is to regulate the affairs of Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa or Kenpo.  Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa is literally translated as “Warrior Spirit Family” and Wu Shen Pai considers itself a Martial Way.  This is in contrast to other ways of thinking about martial arts and represents a new categorization of the term “Martial Art.”  First, we consider that there are Martial Sports in which learning fighting skills for primarily competitive purposes or for fitness is the objective.  Second, there is Self-Defense in which we are engaged in the learning of fighting skills for primarily practical self-defense purposes and for fitness.  Then there is Martial Art where we are engaged in learning fighting skills for competition and self-defense with the emphasis on discipline and hierarchy.  Finally, there is the study of a Martial Way.  Through learning the fighting skills with an emphasis on the Martial Way, we come to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the “self” to build and strengthen one’s character, living in accordance with the “Warrior’s Path” – a path of respect, honor, duty, integrity, courage, and loyalty as a way of life.  This is what serves to define Wu Shen Pai®   Thus, the Way of Wu Shen Pai is in marked contrast to other systems of Chu’an Fa.  Wu Shen Pai continues the evolution of the Chu’an Fa or Kenpo system and the expansion of its teachings where necessary.   Where the Wu Shen Pai system is distinctly different is in its emphasis on these character building elements of training which we regard with equal importance to the building of skill and ability in a physical sense.  Wu Shen Pai, for example,  has its own traditional code

of ethics or “Wen Wu” which are strictly adhered to.   Physically, Wu Shen Pai is an art which is based on the

duality of opposites.  Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa  is a  combination of YIN,  or soft and circular movement, and

YANG, or hard and linear movement.   Physically, Wu Shen Pai might be best described as an

explosive, dynamic art with circular and linear motion that roughly resembles Kung Fu in its execution.  One could line up Chu’an Fa practitioners and pick out a Wu Shen Pai practitioner in the crowd. 

We invite you to contact the International Kenpo Karate Society for more information about the art of Wu Shen Pai and the I.K.K.S. 

(702) 260-4552

East West International Black Belt Academy

2301 E. Sunset Road, Suite 23, Las Vegas, Nevada  89119